Ethical policy
At Agile Collective, we oppose all prejudice and discrimination on grounds of age, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender or class.
We will seek instead to promote a plurality of lifestyles and cultures.
We oppose the economic, social and sexual oppression of people of any gender.
We will promote full employment, appropriate childcare and the social wage.
We recognize each human being’s right to control their own bodies, including during pregnancy, and in conducting dangerous activities or lifestyles.
We uphold the right of the collective and the individual to self-determination, free from the threat of violence, harassment, theft, extortion and exploitation.
We defend the rights to free speech, free expression, free assembly and freedom to pursue individual and collective goals, insofar as these rights do not impinge on the rights of another.
We are actively opposed to all forms of political and cultural repression or discrimination which denies the capabilities and potentials of the individual.
We oppose the invention, development, manufacture, sale and use of nuclear, biological or chemical weapons and the irresponsible transfer and disproportionate use of conventional weapons.
We support, where appropriate, common ownership of the means of industrial and cultural production and distribution (housing, education and health), as a move toward non-exploitative ways of working.
The principles of equality of opportunity, an egalitarian system of wealth, ownership, and control, and collective and individual rights guide us in our policy.
We are, and will remain, independent of all political parties and organisations. Our attitude to any political party will be guided by the extent to which its policies and practices accord with our objectives.
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