Freelance work

We recognise that there are times when you will want to take on freelance projects in your own time, often to help clients who may not have sufficient budget for our services. We encourage this so long as it doesn’t adversely affect our ordinary business.

  1. You may take on web development or other work related to Agile Collective's normal business, in your own time.
  2. You should not seek to take work away from Agile Collective, although taking on work which Agile Collective has turned down, or which is inappropriate for Agile Collective for whatever reason, is acceptable. For example, a project that contravenes our ethical policy.
  3. Projects with a prospective budget of over £6,500 should be considered as potential Agile Collective projects and should be brought to the company first, either through discussion at an appropriate meeting or by being circulated to
  4. You should indicate at the weekly General Circle Meeting if you are taking on freelance projects.
  5. You are able to use company equipment for freelance work, provided it is not needed for company work at the time.
  6. You should never let external work take priority over your normal company work.
  7. You should not routinely take on external work of any kind that hinders, through tiredness or failure to observe regular working hours, your work for Agile Collective.

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