Grievance procedures
The conflict resolution procedure is designed, where possible, to avoid the need to invoke a formal grievance procedure, and staff are encouraged to use the conflict resolution procedure to bring about a satisfactory solution to their problems.
However, we recognise that sometimes, staff may wish to seek redress for a grievance relating to their work. The grievance procedure should be used for all grievances arising from voluntary work as well as employment, except for issues relating to contractual terms of employment, job description and appeals against disciplinary action.
All staff have the right to be accompanied by a person of their choice at all meetings arranged to discuss the grievance. At all stages of the procedure, the party who feels aggrieved has the right to state their case. Notes should be taken and copies agreed by all parties. Anyone disagreeing with the notes may require this to be recorded in those notes.
Stage 1
If you feel you have cause for complaint in relation to any aspect of your work, which has not been resolved by the conflict resolution procedure above, you should raise this in writing with the People Circle.
A meeting will be arranged with the People Circle as soon as possible. The matter will be minuted, along with any decisions taken. The minutes will be made available to you, and any disagreements with the minutes will be noted in those minutes.
Stage 2
If you are still not satisfied with the decision or agreed action you may request that your grievance is reconsidered by an all-Members meeting of the co-op. Arrangements will be made to consider the grievance by the meeting as soon as possible, and definitely within 21 days. You will have the right to state your case and to be accompanied by a representative of your choice. The matter will be minuted, along with any decisions taken. The minutes will be made available to you, and any disagreement with the minutes will be noted.
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